Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My little effort

When I was in my final year of post-graduation, I faced a hell lot of problem to prepare myself for the job interviews. It was my sheer luck that I could clear my very first interview to get a job, may be they were not in search of more qualified person than what I was.
Before the interview of this company, my CV was rejected by couple of others, partly because of the lack of my persistent academic career and partly because of my CV making incapability.
One summer has passed after that time, another is coming soon. Now when I retrospect those days, I feel, was there a CV-making-software, it would do much of my job, perhaps I could land up in a better job. I feel that there are thousands of people who not only need assistance in making a mere resume, but also need other aid to prepare themselves for getting a job or at least to face an interview. They need to develop their aptitude skill, enhance their skill to use correct words in correct sentences, need to practise some questionnaire.
I am willing to help them out. With my limited knowledge of web-development, I have started building a website, which will serve these needs, at least up to some extent.
The name of the site is JobGool. There one can practise aptitude test, vocabulary test, puzzles, sample interview questionnaire and last but not least making one's resume. Even they can discuss subjective matters with their peers and recruiters. There is also a forum called JobGool Zone , powered by SMF. It is a forum powered by
This site is not a job-search site.
The effort is still in the developing phase. This blog will be incomplete without thanking Rishabh. He is working along with me to bring my dream come true.

JobGool Site
JobGool Zone

Friday, March 14, 2008

My Anxiety

By reading the following confession, if you conclude me to be a mad, I have nothing to do with that, that is purely up to you. All I can do is to speak the truth.

I have recently tried to figure out the reasons of my anxiety. I am a born anxious person and it annoys me on daily basis. All of the life that I can remember, I have suffered from tumultuous bouts of anxiety. As I have grown older and taller my anxiety has grown right along with me. I thought of getting the assistance of psychologists, psychiatrists, acupuncturists, astrologers, chiropractors, meditations teachers and prostitutes. But I could not. That also because of my anxiety.At times certain modalities have been more helpful than others but for the most part my tempestuous anxiety has stalked me like a revengeful lover. I have been held victim by an anxiety so strong that the most menacing of closet or basement monsters pails in comparison. I feel being claustrophobic.